Mount Emei

We really wanted to hike the Mount Emei - one of the most important sacred mountains in China. Sadly, our time in Emeishan was coming to an end and our sleeper train would not wait for us.

Two Travel The World - Mount Emei

So, we only caught a glimpse of the Mount Emei, starting from the Emeishan town. We knew we were missing out on something big but this is a reason to come back to China.

Two Travel The World - Mount Emei

After a simple and light meal, we pack our backpacks and took the direction to the Emeishan train station for our second overnight train and a 17-hour ride to Kunming.

We were less excited(17h!) but eager to reach the next destination. We settled comfortably in our bunk beds. The last 2 beds in our cabin were booked by a family of four. A young mum, her cute daughter and what we assumed were her Chinese parents. Our cabin was going to be cosy!

Our cabin buddies didn't speak English, but they communicated through their food. With plenty of Leshan specialities in their baggage, they made us try everything: duck wings, spicy rabbit stew, very tiny apples, walnuts, and sweet bread filled with fresh grapefruit. Our stomachs full, we were ready for a good night's sleep.

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